What is Chiropractic
Throughout your life you continue to do things that can and will cause you to impair your body from working properly. Majority of the time your body corrects these misalignments by itself. However, sometimes the impairments are not able to be self -corrected and that is where the chiropractor comes into play. If you want your body to perform and function to the best to its ability, you must keep your nervous system functioning properly at all times.
So what is the nervous system? You have a brain located within your skull that extends through a large opening in the base of the skull that travels down through your backbone called your spinal cord. Your spinal cord has 32 pairs of nerves that branch off and passes between the vertebrae of your spine. These nerves travel to ALL parts of the body. You have a lot of nerves that controls, coordinates and runs the body. It is important that there is no nerve interference of this brain-body communication system. The most common interference to the nerve system comes from a joint dysfunction of the spine, which is a minor misalignment of the bones of the spine. Your daily performance suffers when there is an interference between your brain and your body.
Chiropractors detect and correct joint dysfunctions of the body. By doing this we are helping your brain to communicate to all parts of the body, which allows for proper function and performance on EVERY level. This is why you need to see your chiropractor regularly throughout your lifetime. Good things start to happen!
Anyone, young and old, can benefit from chiropractic care! Let’s start getting you and your family living your life toward OPTIMAL health!!
So what is the nervous system? You have a brain located within your skull that extends through a large opening in the base of the skull that travels down through your backbone called your spinal cord. Your spinal cord has 32 pairs of nerves that branch off and passes between the vertebrae of your spine. These nerves travel to ALL parts of the body. You have a lot of nerves that controls, coordinates and runs the body. It is important that there is no nerve interference of this brain-body communication system. The most common interference to the nerve system comes from a joint dysfunction of the spine, which is a minor misalignment of the bones of the spine. Your daily performance suffers when there is an interference between your brain and your body.
Chiropractors detect and correct joint dysfunctions of the body. By doing this we are helping your brain to communicate to all parts of the body, which allows for proper function and performance on EVERY level. This is why you need to see your chiropractor regularly throughout your lifetime. Good things start to happen!
Anyone, young and old, can benefit from chiropractic care! Let’s start getting you and your family living your life toward OPTIMAL health!!